Safeguarding & eSafety


Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do at Dent CE Primary School, and we are absolutely committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of every individual in school. Our child protection policy is below and can also be found on our 'Key Policies' Page.

Dent CE Primary School - Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Issued December 2024

The following people have specific responsibility for safeguarding in school:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr David Prescott (Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Mandy Robinson (SENDCO)

Designated Teacher for Children Looked After: Mr David Prescott (Headteacher)

Governors' Safeguarding Lead: Helen Corpe

Useful Links on safeguarding and e-safety

Here is a selection of very useful links that can be used to help parents/carers to understand safeguarding and protecting children. Some of them explore a range of safeguarding issues and some of them specifically deal with online/cyber safety.

Net Aware

Internet Matters

NSPCC NSPCC Online safety 

Share Aware

Parent Info

Parents Protect


Child Net